The official website of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council

FPL3b Proposals


Council Sponsor Proposal Abstract Proposal
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Enhancing Hydrologic Connectivity in Justin’s Bay (Mobile Bay)

(Vietnamese Translation)
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Coastal Alabama Regional Water Quality Program (Vietnamese Translation)
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Perdido Watershed Water Quality Improvements and Restoration Assessment Program (Vietnamese Translation)
Florida Department of Environmental Protection Florida Gulf Coast Resiliency Program (Vietnamese Translation)
Florida Department of Environmental Protection Florida Gulf Coast Tributaries Hydrologic Restoration Program (Vietnamese Translation)
Florida Department of Environmental Protection Florida Water Quality Improvement Program (Vietnamese Translation)
Florida Department of Environmental Protection Florida Strategic Gulf Coast Land Acquisition Program (Vietnamese Translation)
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Coastal Nearshore Habitat Restoration and Development Program in Mississippi (Vietnamese Translation)
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Improvement Program for Coastal Mississippi Waters (Vietnamese Translation)
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Shoreline Protection Through Living Shorelines (Vietnamese Translation)
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Texas Coastal Water Quality Program (Vietnamese Translation)
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Texas Land Acquisition Program for Coastal Conservation (Vietnamese Translation)
Texas- Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Chenier Plain Ecosystem Restoration Program (Vietnamese Translation)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana) Cote Blanche Freshwater and Sediment Introduction and Shoreline Protection** (Vietnamese Translation)
U.S. Department of Agriculture Gulf Coast Conservation Reserve Program (Vietnamese Translation)
U.S. Department of Agriculture The Apalachicola Regional Restoration Initiative: Strategies 2 & 3 (Vietnamese Translation)
U.S. Department of Agriculture Enhancing Gulf Waters through Forested Watershed Restoration (Vietnamese Translation)
U.S. Department of Commerce/NOAA Gulf of Mexico Coast Conservation Corps (GulfCorps) Program (Vietnamese Translation)
U.S. Department of the Interior/U.S. Geological Survey Develop Ecological Flow Decision-Support for Mobile River and Perdido River Basins (DOI/USGS) (Vietnamese Translation)
U.S. Department of the Interior/Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Youth Coastal Restoration Program (DOI/BIA) (Vietnamese Translation)
U.S. Department of the Interior/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Ecosystem Modeling and Chandeleur Island Restoration Engineering and &Design (DOI/FWS)* (Vietnamese Translation)
U.S. Department of the Interior/Bureau of Ocean Energy Management State and Offshore Sediment Resources Inventory (DOI/BOEM) (Vietnamese Translation)
U.S. Department of the Interior/U.S. National Park and Fish and Wildlife Services Decommissioning Onshore Orphaned Energy Facilities on NPS and FWS lands (DOI/NPS & FWS) (Vietnamese Translation)
U.S. Department of the Interior/Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Decommissioning OCS Orphaned Energy Facilities in the Gulf of Mexico (Vietnamese Translation)

*After reviews of proposals were completed, but prior to the Internal BAS Review Panel meeting, the Council Sponsor withdrew the Ecosystem Modeling and Chandeleur Island Engineering and Design project for further funding consideration. This proposal was withdrawn because DOI and the States determined that alternative funding sources for these activities might be available.

**Cote Blanche Freshwater and Sediment Introduction and Shoreline Protection was submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture on behalf of the Chitimacha Tribe, a federally recognized tribe.